Are You Ready for Back to School?

Moms, I hope you're embracing these last bits of summer!

I know what's been lurking in the back of your minds - that inevitable back-to-school rollercoaster!

Yup, I'm talking about those high-functioning anxiety vibes that kick in when we start imagining all the 'what ifs' that could go down once the school bell rings. Trust me, you're not alone in this wild ride!

Now, let's be real - we all know your mom game is strong enough to even put Wonder Woman to shame. But when the anxiety unconsciously starts to trickle in, it can really feel like everything is slipping out of your control.

So, how about we join forces to tackle this back-to-school anxiety effectively? Here are my top tips that will help -

Reality Check - Remind yourself that most 'what ifs' are just that - imaginary scenarios that your mind conjures up that are very unlikely to happen. Self-awareness is key! These anxious thoughts come out of nowhere, but we can remind ourselves that those thoughts only exist in our minds, and not in the real world (thankfully!!).

Stay Connected - Remember the fellow moms you met last year in PTA or on the sports field? Time to set up that coffee date and share your feels! Odds are, they're dealing with the same mix of excitement, worry, and nerves as you and will feel equally relieved to get those anxious feelings off their chests. Not only does talking out your anxieties relieve your nervous system, but it also helps you build a community of friends who will help you feel less alone throughout the entire school year.

Self-Care is Essential - You've probably heard it before - you can't pour from an empty cup. Take some time for yourself. It's a MUST! A long bath, a good book, or a dance party in your living room - whatever helps you to turn off your brain and decompress. No matter what your outlet is, try to incorporate mindful breathing exercises and meditation into your relaxation routine. Even just five minutes a day will make a HUGE difference!

Make a Worry List - Write down what is causing your anxiety. It might sound SO simple, but trust me, it works! Writing out your anxieties line by line will prompt you to literally slow your brain's processes down, and see your anxieties on paper. This mental exercise will allow you to see what's bothering you most, what's real and what's just in your head, and how to break down your fears into manageable fixes.

Ask for Help - Superheroes have sidekicks for a reason! Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Your support squad is there to swoop in when things get tough. Whether that means asking a fellow mom to do pick up or drop off one day or hiring a tutor to help with homework every once in a while, use your worry list to identify what it is that's pulling you down the most and reach out to your support system so you can get help in the area of your or your kids' life that needs it most.

If you need help navigating stressful situations with more personalization, let's chat to see if therapy is a good fit for you! In our sessions, you get the attention, support, and guidance you need to conquer your fears, let go of unhealthy patterns, and feel more joy, peace, and fulfillment!


Don't Let Loneliness Define You.


You can't plan the unexpected. You can plan your response.